Class Officers for the 2017-2018 School Year:
President: Hayle W.
Vice-President: Mya B.
Secretary: Maelee P.
Girl Rep: Chloe S.
Boy Rep: Aiden G.
Sargent In Arms: Sara S.
Treasurer: Payton W.
2nd Quarter News: The Class of 2021 completed our annual fundraiser in December. We raised over 900 dollars for our class! A job well done! We are looking for help and suggestions on how to get more of the class involved. We could have easily tripled our class earnings if everyone in the Class of 2021 just sold one or two items! It takes team work and perserverance to reach our goals.
Please see a class officer or Ms. Havens / Ms. Buchanan if you are interested in getting more involved with your class!