• bus stop

    school transportation


    Dear Parent/Guardian,

    As we excitedly approach the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year, the Transportation Department would like to communicate some new tools to help communicate and safely manage your child’s transportation needs.

    The Addison Central School requires that a daily transportation plan is completed for each child in your household and is returned to the appropriate building’s office prior to the start of the school year.  Please click on the link below that pertains to your child if you need to make a permanent change to this plan.

    Transportation schedules will be mailed by the building offices in August.  If there are any questions regarding the transportation schedule, please contact the Transportation Department at 359-2415.

    In support of the goal to transport all students safely every day, Addison Central School will not be allowing daily transportation changes.  We understand that emergencies happen. However, please allow up to 2 days to honor this request.  If such an emergency arises, please contact the Transportation Supervisor at 607-359-2415.


    Leo Eldridge

    Transportation Supervisor


    Transportation Manual 2024-2025


    Non-Public Transportation Request Form

Transportation FAQ's


    Where can I find the latest SCHOOL CLOSING information?
    In the event of a school closing, an alert will be displayed on the district website immediately.  In addition, an auto-call will be placed to both parents and staff within the district.  Finally, our media outlets will be notified to post the school closing to the public.
    What happens in the event of a 2 HOUR DELAY?
    In the event of a school closing, an alert will be displayed on the district website immediately.  In addition, an auto-call will be placed to both parents and staff within the district.  Finally, our media outlets will be notified to post the school closing to the public.

Contact Information

  •  Director of Transportation
    Leo Eldridge
    Phone #:  (607) 359-2415
    school x